Welome to Totara Whānau we are a year 5 and 6 class at Oruaiti school in the Far North. Our teacher is Whaea Jorja.
Friday, December 10, 2021
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Re-purposing jeans+ tents
Today we re-cycling old jeans and tents so we can make things out of them the hole class and puriri class made bags, swimming bags, tool belts, aprons, pencil cases and phone holders. there was 7 trolleys of clothes that go thrown out. well gave them away to the op shop. we had to buddy up with puriri. summer and Jake they were awesome buddy's. Jake and i help summer make a bag for her. me and Jake made a swimming bag. well the people that help us make all the things they call the swimming bags wet bags. the other people made tool belts, aprons. it was so fun making things with the jeans and the tents
Friday, November 19, 2021
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
the spelling bee comp
today we watch guinea pigs spelling bee off Facebook. there was this kid that had to guinea pigs there names was maddie, whisper. they had to do a spelling bee. there was so much words that they had to spell like expression, aggression, nation, magician. they had to press this button that was red if they press that red button if they on how to spell the word if they get it right they.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Enviromental and sustainability award
this is the video of how and why we won the Enviromental and the sustainability award
we were all so happy that we won the enviromental and the sustainability award. and we won lots of $$$$$$$$ money we won $20,000.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
totara te wiki o te reo maori
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
pet day art
For pet day i did a forest i and everyone did good art and other things. i cant want to do it again.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
The train
There was a train going through the woods there were 5 people in the train driver. there was 3 monsters was walking through the woods and herd the train moving in the trees the monsters ran as fast as they can to destroy the train and kill the people.
the strong monster stopped the train and never saw the driver. the driver ran away from the monsters
the 6 people never look back at it.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
bike riding
There was a helicopter flying low in the snowy mountains, when a man wearing no skis and holding on to his bike, suddenly jumped out boosting down the snowy mountains and boosting past the policemen. The police took off after the man. It looked so dangerous, how could he do that, as he sped dangerously at top speed past people and their children that were skiing. The police men were too slow as the man on his bike, jumped and flipped all over the slopes, and then over homes. The man on the bike finally comes to a stop and walks into a bar, where the police soon caught up with him.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
The old man
It doesn't matter if
it's wet or if it's sunny,
he goes to the telly
like bees go to honey,
and this is one thing
that is really sad ,for
the old man, as there is so
much fun, to be had.
but he sits about all
day eating hes cookies
and whey.
by Waikeri
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Bob and Bella
There are fish and turtles in our oceans. They are creatures of the sea. They do not want to be friends.
Hi my name is Bob, and i do not like fish, except for just one, and her name is Bella. I always poke fingers at her, and she always laughs at me and thinks it's funny. At times we swim around chasing each other through coral and Seaweed
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Friday, July 30, 2021
Friday, July 2, 2021
questions for my teina
1. how old are you? 5.
2. what is your favourite thing to do at school? playing.
3. what is your favourite colour?blue
4. what is your favourite dessert? ice cream
5. what is your favourite book? doctor Seuss
6. what do you want to be when you grow up? Elsa
my production.
today it was the production it was so scary my nana was looking at me it made me so nervous i was excited a little bit. but tonight i will get the shivers i'm a little bit excited.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
my octopus teacher
Dark ink squirts from the octopus as she moves like an old lady in a black dress. And the octopus squirts out ink like a gun. And it looks like a snail without a shell. And it is very misty like one morning. But it is misty in the water and the kelp looks like trees. And the octopus has 3 hearts and is blue blund . And the octopus has 2000 suckers.
Monday, June 28, 2021
Thursday, June 24, 2021
The ukulele maker by bronwyn wall
1. what is a luthier. a person who makes stringed musical instruments (such as violins or guitars)
2. how long does it take dave to make a ukulele? it takes about a week.
3. find a diagram of the part of a ukulele.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
My handwriting.
The five fox's jumping quickly and wildly over the zebra's do you think all the alphabet
Monday, May 24, 2021
This is my rotational symmetry.
WAL what rotational symmetry is.
We created colourful shapes that were rotated 4 times.
A shape has rotational symmetry when it can be rotated and it still looks the same. The order of rotational symmetry of a shape is the number of times it can be rotated around a full circle and still look the same.
Author visit. liz van der laarse.
on mondy liz van der laarse came to our school.to talk to totara class about the book cuz is cool. In Totara class we have been reading this Novel called Cuz - by Liz Van der laarse. The Author is the mother of whaea Meg (a teacher at our school).
This book is about two cousins that get lost in the New Zealand bush.
This book is exciting, we really like it because it is a big adventure. - Totara class feedback
Questions we want to ask the Author:
Liam - Is it going to be a movie? there is not going to be a movie.
Why did You call it cuz. ? Sam becuase they are cousin.
How long did it take to write? 2 or 3 years.
How old were you when you Started writing? Bella she was 50.
Monday, May 17, 2021
waikeris speech
People all over the world understand that tik tok is popular.
Hi my name is waikeri henry i am going to talk you about tik tok. I think it should be band from being used in schools and I am going to tell you why I believe this.
Firstly, if it was in the school kids will probably be on tiktok when it’s free time and Any way they are supposed be Learning that is what school is for not to Muck around. Did you know that tik tok has 689 Million users in the world?
Secondly it has too much Swearing and inappropriate language, it has too much shooting and killing in it and it’s not good for our brains.
Thirdly it's not shared to your friend, it's shared to the whole Tyre world. And people Act older than their age.
And some teachers Let kids on tiktok when it's free time - they could play some beter games.
And they need to go outside a bit more not to stay inside and it is not good for your brain and you can get sick by being on your phone too long.
What did people do before tik tok came along? I will tell you. In the Olden days they just played with their family and played games such as cards, monopoly and did puzzles. And it takes you away from your family if you are on tik tok.
Tiktok is highly addictive. Do you know what this means? It means you want to go on something or use something all the time. Like when someone says come and do something they say ok and they don't do it.
And you can get Distracted when you are Trying to do a Dance in class and you should not have your phones in class you should be leraning. There are some people in the World Don't get that much Exercise. you can get Obese by siting with your phone all day. And they have bad videos And now this is why believers that tik tok should be banned in schools. Thank you for listening to my speech. Now get off tik tok!!!!!
Friday, May 7, 2021
Friday, April 16, 2021
team 1 reflection 2021.
Term 1 reflection 2021
This term I have been proud of the following achievements.
In reading …. I like reading comic books,
In writing this term …. I am geting a pit better at handwriting and writing,
In maths I … I like doing the 100 or bust it is a math game,
In PE this term…. We lert how to play this game called ki o rahi yesterday we were playing this game with Maunganui school,
In art I this team we were doing some art. It was called collage.
During activity week …. I like Store store because we were learning a lot of Stuff.
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021
One day the wife said i don't love you no more so he said i am leaving and the next day she was so sad. And when
He was walking past the tree and he saw a box and
He climbed up the tree and saw something in the box and there was a gems and he said i am so lucky that he found that box and he took one or two and then someone one like a animal and he said to him don't take one or two for my wife cause i love you her and she needs some gems so i was walking down back to my wife house and i knock on the door and what are you doing here and i said here is some gems and she said can i have one and i said yes you can and they lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
yummy baking.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
How to play ki-o-rahi.
Some days we play ki-o-Rahi. and the game is from nz. it is a mixture of games like netball,rugby,Solf ball. and it is a game and it is from nz.
what you need
- drum,and peolpe have to gaurd it.
- maybe 10 or more cone's.
- pou 7.
- 1ball(solf ball.)
- ripper tag's
- 2 team's ki oma and taniwha.
how to win
so how you win. you have to get run around tapping the pou with the ball and hitting the blue drum with out the people seeing that your going to it.
the rule's
your not allowed to go in the river and the tamiwha is unable to go out of the and the people are not unable to go in the circle where the drum.
how to play.
so the other people is supposed to be tapping the pou and the taniwha
is taging the people that are running the taniwha is taging the kioma.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
lantern fastival
In Totara class we are entering a lantern festval because it is about endangered animals. on Monday the class had to paint them so they are are sea creatures land animals bird so i did land animal and i am not finished.